Monday, 5 August 2013

Gravity Falls: Gideon rises

The last episode of the 1st season of gravity falls aired, it wasn't what I thought it would be but it was still pretty good.

When Gideon hit the mystery shack in Dreamscapers I was expecting a big explosion of chaos and Stans secret to be revealed but instead we got Gideon trying to get his hands the 3 journals and failing miserably.

At the start of the episode poor Dipper, Mabel, Stan and Soos had to move in with Soos's nan because Gideon had taken over the Mystery shack so he could find Journal number 1 he then intended to turn the Shack into Gideon land, which makes me wonder why he hit the shack with a wrecking ball in the first place if he wanted to find the book?

Long story short (without completely ruining the episode.) when Stan, Soos, Dipper and Mabel try to get the shack back Gideon gets a hold of Dipper book Journal number 3 which Gideon realizes that Journal number 1 still alludes him and he attacks Dipper, Mabel and Soos with a Giant mecha Gideon robot, there was an awesome fight between Gideon and Dipper.

Though out the series Dipper has always been slightly insecure, insecure about his strength, insecure about his masculinity, insecure about Wendy and this episode Gideon raised the point that the only way Dipper can solve the problems in gravity falls is because of the Journal and that he can't solve problems with physical strength or even using his brain, so Dipper Proves Gideon wrong by beating him in a fight and long story short Dipper gets his journal back and Stan gets the Mystery Shack.

The end is the most interesting part of the episode, Stan borrows Journal  number 3 from Dipper calming that the monsters could make good exhibits ideas for the shack but instead takes it to the room behind the vending machine and it is revealed that Stan had book number 1 the whole time.

I thought it was pretty obvious that Stan at least knew about the books because, one he always made a big effort to cover up the weird things going on like dismissing dipper's paranormal experiences, making fake exhibits when he had actual weird paranormal things in his house and not to mention the secret room behind the vending machine so it was pretty obvious he knew more than he was letting on.

Any way I can't wait for the new season and to find out what Stan needed the books for and what exactly is the thing in the room behind the vending machine.

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